Third Camp Socialism
For demokratisk socialisme - mod stalinisme og fundamentalisme
tirsdag, september 27, 2005

The Russian Question: A debate between Raya Dunayevskaya and Max Shachtman

A discussion article by Chris Ford

Published below is a rare account of a debate on the ‘Russian Question’ between by Raya Dunayevskaya and Max Shachtman, two theorists of the old Workers Party in the USA. It is important to bring to light efforts by Marxists to come to grips with the existence of Stalinism which, in the USSR and Eastern Europe whose legacy still constitutes a major block to socialist revolution. The continued existence of dictatorships calling themselves ‘communist’ which oppress millions in China, North Korea and Cuba makes it not a purely historical question. There is also an additional relevance of the discussions on the ‘Russian question’, that is that we should see it as integral to our efforts to conceptualize and project a socialist alternative to today’s age of global capitalism. It is a necessity to so that we may prevent future revolutions transforming into their opposite – another totalitarian state-capitalist society.


Wikipedia: Third Camp Socialism
Wikipedia: AWL

New Politics
News & Letters
Workers' Liberty
New Socialist Group

Center for Socialist History
CLR James Institute
Shachtman Internet Archive
Marxists Internet Archive


"Third Camp" Socialism

Trotskyism (Alex Callinicos)

Trotskisme etter Trotski

Trotskijs marxisme

Det andet USA

American Trotskyism

Russia and the left

Introduction to the Johnson-Forest Tendency

The Johnson-Forest Tendency in the the US

Shachtman's "evil empire"

CLR James and spontaneity

Dunayevskaya's Marxist-Humanism

"Fate of the Russian Revolution"

Lost Texts of Critical Marxism

Part of Our History
(Jim Smith)

The dynamics of bureaucratism
(Ernest Haberkern)

The Pilots Who Weathered the Storm
(Alan Johnson)

Hvad var USSR?

Deflected Permanent Revolution

Bureaucratic Collectivism

Hal Draper vs. Bruno Rizzi

Cliff vs. "bureaukratisk kollektivisme"

Cliff vs. Shachtman

State in Debate (Callinicos)

i dag

Cuba today

Is Cuba Socialist?

The One-Party State Continues

Stalinism and Che Guevara


Where the SWP came from

SWP and the Iran-Iraq war


Sosialistisk organisering i dag

Fram mot en ny begynnelse

Et revolusjonært sosialistisk parti

Hva slags sosialistisk organisasjon?

What they did to
"What is to be Done"


With Trotsky in Norway

Draper: Sosialismens to sjeler

Hal Draper and Israel

Marie Nielsen

Jeanette Olsen

Martin Glaberman

Bjarke Friborg

Oprettet 3.12.03

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